Monday, July 2, 2012

Who doesn't love some family photos?

I couldn't have asked for more amazing parents!

My favorite people!

The whole clan!

Just the girls!

I think we are cheering because it's the last picture...


We love our Bro!

I miss these two!

Bestest friend ever!


His Presence Fills the Heavens and the Earth

This past week has been filled with so many different emotions, but one thing has been obvious through it all...GOD IS GOOD!

This past week has been filled with hospital visits, random road trips, abnormal amounts of sleep, Skype dates with my sisters, and random insanity workouts with my teens.  It has also been filled with God's presence in amazing ways!

I'm so thankful that my God is present in every situation.  His presence was obvious in the waiting room as tons of teens and families from PV gathered to pray and love on the Shields family.  His presence was obvious in Jonesboro as He blessed me with time with such an amazing friend.  His presence was obvious as He called me to get away and just be still and rest.  His presence was obvious as I skyped my sister-in-law in Costa Rica and exchanged stories of His faithfulness.  His presence was obvious as I skyped my baby sister and laughed so hard I cried.  His presence was obvious as a small group of our teens woke up at 7:00 am so we could laugh together and pretend to actually work out.

I'm thankful that our God goes with us everywhere.  I'm thankful that our God doesn't just stay confined to our church buildings and our Sunday and Wednesday worship times.  I'm thankful that the curtain of the temple was torn in two and that our God comes and lives within us each and every moment.  I pray that we will be a people who are aware of His presence and who point Him out to others.  His presence is amazing!

Who can hide in secret places so that I cannot see them?” declares the LORD. “Do not I fill heaven and earth?” declares the LORD.
                                                             Jeremiah 23:24