It's been about three months since I moved from Little Rock back to Oklahoma City to start back to school. I wasn't really sure what to expect when I left Little Rock, but three months in, I can easily say that God's blessings and peace are present in abundance.
Today is the first day of my Fall semester and in two weeks I'm going to take a stab at the MCAT. The med school application process has started, and the reality that this is actually happening is starting to sink in!
I miss my Little Rock family a lot, but the peace that God has filled my heart with gives me assurance that He has and will continue to lead the way in this journey. He has already blessed me in so many great ways. I'm loving the new challenges, the extra family time, and the new friends. He is so faithful!
This morning during my quiet time these two verses reminded me of the peace and joy that comes from walking in step with the Spirit.
The mind of the sinful man is death, but the mind controlled by the Spirit is LIFE and PEACE.
Romans 8:6
I consider that our present sufferings are NOT WORTH COMPARING with the glory that will be revealed in us. Romans 8:18
Praying this school year that the Spirit will lead me boldly, gently, and with love to those who don't know our Jesus.