So last night I received a text message from my dad about 15 minutes before girls started showing up at my apartment for Bible study, It simply read, "Fire close but likely east. But is there anything in your room that we need to put in a car to save if needed?"
Well that took me a little by surprise. I sat there and tried to think for a minute about my house and what might still be there that i would "need" or want. Very little came to mind as I sat there and pictured my old room. There are still a few dresses hanging up in my closet that I wore to various dances and banquets, but really although they hold some special memories with them will honestly probably never be worn again. The only thing that I could truly come up with was my scrapbooks that are in the back of my closet up on the very top shelf.
I'm thankful that the fire ended up being controlled and that my house completely avoided the fire, but this short chain of events truly put into perspective how little our stuff really matters. I had no trouble sleeping last night because I knew that my family was safe and even if the house burned down that all I would lose would be stuff, and one day all of that stuff would burn anyways because I wont be taking it with me to heaven. May I never let stuff get in the way of my sweet Jesus.
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